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Career as Negotiator

Stream : Marketing, Sales & Advertising
Sub Stream : Sales


A negotiator is a person who conducts negotiations, typically in business, trade and other contexts where conflict resolution is necessary.

Negotiation is a process of bargaining between two or more parties to reach an agreement. The term derives from the Latin negotiatio (exchange).

Negotiators are usually skilled in communication, persuasion and interpersonal skills. They also need to be able to manage the negotiation process by setting goals and deadlines, as well as understanding the rules of negotiating.

The negotiator is not just someone who takes orders from their superiors but has the power to make decisions on their own without going through a chain of command.

The role of a negotiator is not to be confused with that of a mediator. A mediator is the person who facilitates the negotiation process, while a negotiator is the person who actually negotiates.

A negotiator has to have an understanding of all aspects of negotiations and must be able to effectively communicate with both parties involved in the process.

The main duties of a negotiator are:

- Define negotiation boundaries and scope;

- Plan and prepare for negotiations;

- Negotiate effectively; - Analyze and evaluate negotiation outcomes

The job of a negotiator is to make an agreement possible in a situation where the parties involved are not willing to compromise.

The role of a negotiator is to make an agreement possible in a situation where the parties involved are not willing to compromise. A negotiator will have different responsibilities depending on the task at hand and their level of experience. The most important part of the job is being able to understand people’s needs and desires, and then finding ways that satisfy them without sacrificing their own needs or desires.

A negotiator must be able to listen well and understand what people are saying, as well as use all available resources for information when negotiating. This includes information from other sources such as clients, contacts, or colleagues within the company. They must also be able to identify bottlenecks within negotiations

A negotiator is an individual who negotiates the terms and conditions of a contract between two or more parties. They are responsible for facilitating the agreement between the two parties in order to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.

Negotiators are usually hired by large companies, government agencies, or public institutions.

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Check if your skills are appropriate for Negotiator. There is scope and opportunity in every career, if it matches your Interest, personality and aptitude.

We follow a top to bottom approach. Our career counselors in the face to face counseling session would first discuss whether Negotiator is a suitable career option for the student/child or not. If the reports shows that child does have the aptitude, personality and interest required for this particular career, then the counselor will guide him/her about the scope, job opportunities for Negotiator and also help with the entrance exams, colleges, courses, private tutors etc for this career.

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